Basically what you have to do is search for whatever it is that you want to search for. But in order for you to receive credit for your search, you must search from their search bar. For every search that you conduct, you will receive one credit. Each credit you receive will accumulate and allow you to reach the quota for you to receive an incentive. If you're wondering what those incentives are, well it's cash! Once you reach 6500 points, you can request to receive a $25 Visa Gift Card, or 25 dollars straight into your PayPal account. If you want to wait and accumulate more points, 12500 points will get you $50 and 25000 points will get you $100. How's that for some easy money.
If you're thinking that the point quota is too high or unreachable, then don't. Just think about it for a second. You're doing what you already do, but instead you get paid for it. Over time, your searching will pay off and you will have enough points to receive free money.
If you're really in need of money, I did some calculations and if you searched 100 times per day (which is the maximum allowed per day) and you also voted and commented for each (which gets you one point for voting and one point for commenting), it will take you 21 days to gain 6500 points. That's not much time to receive free money, but then who want's to search 100 times per day. If you would, then be my guest. If you just search regularly and only search from here, before you know you will have enough to cash out. Also, don't forget to tell your friends and family. Just click the banner below and start searching for some free money.
If you don't have PayPal, click here.

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