How To Make Money With Twitter

You've probably heard the new craze about Twitter, but if you haven't heard about Twitter, then all you have to know is that it's a social network where you let your "followers" know what's going on in your life, simply by sending "tweets". Twitter is a really great tool to market your business. Not only does it help me promote my site, but I use it to make some extra cash. And the way I do this is by simply placing some ads on my Twitter page. You can think of it as adsense, but instead of getting paid per click, you get paid per follower. Therefore the more followers you have, the more money you can make. It's that simple.
Here's how to get started:

Step 1: If you don't have a Twitter account yet, go to htpp:// and set up an account. It's free.
Step 2: If you don't have any followers, invite your friends and family to join you. You can also start by following me HERE and I'll follow you in return. You can also search for people with your same interests.
Step 3: Click the banner and sign up. Enter your info and place your profile on the site so you can allow ads on your page.
Step 4: Wait for payment.
It's really that simple.

PS. Remember, the more followers you have, the more money you will make. Happy Tweeting.

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